Henry Krokatsis
Opening #1, 2016
Salvaged glass, lead, steel
60 x 940 x 10 cm
'Beyond its place as a functioning component, the window plays a rich metaphorical role as a threshold between different worlds.' Leon Battista Alberti’s assertion of the painting as an open...
'Beyond its place as a functioning component, the window plays a rich metaphorical role as a threshold between different worlds.'
Leon Battista Alberti’s assertion of the painting as an open window (De Pictura 1435)
This can be seen from The Romantics use of the window to symbolize the expansive gaze, to its place in Christian allegory as the threshold to the absolute Other. From within this deep vein elements of the sublime are extracted and set in
confrontation with reality.
Leon Battista Alberti’s assertion of the painting as an open window (De Pictura 1435)
This can be seen from The Romantics use of the window to symbolize the expansive gaze, to its place in Christian allegory as the threshold to the absolute Other. From within this deep vein elements of the sublime are extracted and set in
confrontation with reality.